Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm not very good at blogging, but this time, I'm going to actually make a proper, actual effort, and most importantly, remember my password. I always say that, but I never do...

I always always always always do that. I think it's because I never have any proper theme for my blog/website/other project; this time, I do! Yay! Which, by the way, is Art/Design/Fashion, etc. Anyway.....


So, to start off, I am going to talk (or rather, write,) about myself. Yes, I know that that (tee hee, word repeat) sounds self-centered, but it's appropriate for a first post, so, here goes:

' goes'. Eughh. That is probably the first time I have ever used that expression in my entire life. Well, so, I am a obsessive, secretive, cat-loving, animal-loving, art-loving, music-loving (okay, I love too many things to fit here) girl who often goes off on tangents and types very
s l o w l y.......
and with one finger, might I add. I looooooove to draw, and create clothing. I haaaaate, well, maybe not hate ("Hate is a very strong word..." I think I get that by now.) sport.

Okay. The end.

Friday, April 23, 2010, I am starting a blog.

Sooooo....this is my first blog post. I don't know what it's going to be about yet...probably just random things that come to mind.

I want ginger beer.